LONDON Kew Gardens UK


Shweta UK

Kew Gardens UK or The Royal Botanical Gardens Kew as they are formally known, is home to Botanic gardens, science and conservation work. Founded in 1840, this South West London exotic garden is home to over 27,000 types of plants and is well worth the £10 entry fee.



Day Trip


Mild 16°C

Treetop WALKway

Set 18m up, this 200m walk way is set amongst the trees. Designed by David Marks and opened in 2008. Probably one of my favourite moments, but wish it was longer!


The hive is a multisensory celebration of the life of bees (one thousand LED lights glow according to the vibrations of bees that live in the Gardens). Climb to the top (17m high) to get a view into the hive and of the wildflower meadow. Great exhibit for kids.

living tree museum

This Arboretum (living tree museum) is home to 14,000 trees. Look out for the mighty Redwoods, famous for being the largest trees in the world and more commonly found in the coastal areas of Northern California. Another highlight of this visit!


Foxes, badgers, and dormice are just some of the wild animals found in Kew Gardens, but don’t be surprised if you see ducks, geese and peacocks!

Kew Gardens UK

There is lots to see at Kew! Highlights include Palm House (home to tropical and rainforest plants), the Mediterranean gardens and King William’s temple and rock gardens.

If you liked this trip, you might also like this trip to see Redwood trees up close and personal